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Jerzy Konorski’s Seminars in Neuroscience


Seminaris of Department of Neurophysiology have a very long tradition, which reaches post-war times when the Institute was founded (1918). Prof. Jerzy Konorski was the initiator of the seminars. His broad knowledge in neurophysiology and great visionary abilities attracted scientist and science enthusiasts, even from different fields of science. Seminars were traditionally held on Wednesdays in the lecture hall on the second floor of the Nencki Institute. Many years later the mentioned lecture hall has been named after Jerzy Konorski. The seminars were always open for everyone who might have been interested in science: scholars, students and science enthusiasts, even from outside of the Institute. We wish to continue along that path and preserve the tradition of the seminars, even after the Nencki Institute administrative changes, ie. liquidation of the institute’s departments. Because of that, we named the seminars ‘Jerzy Konorski's Seminars in Neuroscience’.

The seminars will give as an opportunity to discuss thesis and results of our work, as well as the results presented by prominent and respected scientist from around the world. The seminars will be led by different scientist and the first cadency shall belong to prof. Małgorzata Skup.

The website, that you are now visiting, has two main functions. You can find here all the information about upcoming and previous seminars, as well as information about the rich history of the Department of Physiology.

Next seminars

Name and surname
14 XI
prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Pyza
Circadian plasticity of synapses
28 XI
dr n. med. Marita Pietrucha-Dutczak
Neuroptotection and neuroregeneration of retinal ganglion cells – from the predegenerated peripheral nerve to a single protein selection