Seminaria Konorskiego


Przyszłe seminaria

Imię i nazwisko
Do pobrania
14 XI
prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Pyza
Circadian plasticity of synapses
28 XI
dr n. med. Marita Pietrucha-Dutczak
Neuroptotection and neuroregeneration of retinal ganglion cells – from the predegenerated peripheral nerve to a single protein selection

Przeszłe seminaria

Imię i nazwisko
Do pobrania
24 X
dr hab. Jan Rodriguez Parkitna
NMDA receptors, monoamine neurons and reinforcement learning
26 IX
dr hab. Adam Chuderski
Podłoże neurofizjologiczne złożonych czynności poznawczych człowieka
6 VI
Prof. Ulf Eysel
Role of excitatory state in visual cortical plasticity
25 IV
Przemyslaw Tomalski Ph.D.
How early social interactions may shape the development of infant visual attention?
11 IV
Katarzyna Jurewicz M.Sc.
Large-scale networks in control of visual target detection
4 IV
Katarzyna Paluch M.Sc.
Strategies of the anticipatory attention
28 III
Dr Stanisław Głażewski
Time-course and mechanisms of homeostatic plasticity in layers 2/3 and 5 of the barrel cortex
28 III
Dr Inon Scharf
Learning, forgetting and the contribution of learning to competition in desert ants
21 III
Martin Zápotocký Ph.D.
Mechanical forces in axon bundling and circuit development
14 III
Wojciech Solecki Ph.D.
The role of the noradrenergic signaling in the ventral tegmental area in drug craving
28 II
prof. Piotr Durka, mgr Anna Duszyk
EEG-based assessment of disorders of consciousness in children from The Alarm Clock Clinic
24 I
prof. Jan Celichowski
Różnice płciowe unerwienia motorycznego i czuciowego mięśni szkieletowych
10 I
prof. Daniel Wójcik
Transmembrane Currents Along The Dendritic Tree of a Neuron from Extracellular Measurements